
Friday, April 05, 2013

Why Yoga Is Good for Our Feet

500 hour yoga instructor training programs
By Kimaya Singh

No wonder we have aching feet. We take them for granted, stuff them in uncomfortable shoes, and expect them to carry us through the day without causing us pain.  Fortunately, Yoga teaches us to become aware of these delicate body parts.

One out of every four Americans has serious foot problems during their lifetime – a fact that becomes even more significant when we consider that our feet mirror the condition of our general health. There are 26 bones in the foot, and any one of these can cause trouble if it is misaligned.

How our Feet Affect Our Health

The muscles that support the function and structure of our feet are related to the bladder and the adrenal glands. When these muscles don’t work properly, abnormalities like shin splints and plantar fasciitis can occur.

The bottom of the foot also has reflex points that correspond with glands, organs, and other parts of the body. When the bones in the foot are out of place, they create tender spots called trigger points. When they are properly aligned, walking stimulates the reflexes and keeps the feet healthy.

Misaligned bones also interfere with the acupuncture meridians, or energy channels, that run through the feet.  Because these meridians affect the liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, gallbladder, and bladder, blockages can lead to health disorders. In Yoga, we call this energy “prana.” Chinese medicine calls it “chi.”

Finally, the foot has receptors that relay information from the central nervous system to the body. When these receivers don’t communicate properly, they send confusing messages that disturb our sense of balance and affect the way we move. A muscle gets the wrong signal and constricts, pulling other parts of the body out of place, or we aren’t able to “feel” the location of our feet or hands, making us more likely to injure ourselves.

How Yoga Helps Keep Feet Healthy

Yoga shows us how to ground our bodies and encourages proper alignment of our feet, making them stronger and more flexible. Specific poses that promote healthy feet include the following:

·       Standing Poses
·       Legs-Up-the Wall Pose
·       Downward Facing Dog Pose
·       Hero Pose
·       Cobbler Pose
·       Squat

These simple Yogic exercises strengthen and tone the toes:

·       Pointing and flexing the foot
·       Rolling a ball underneath the foot
·       Picking up marbles with the toes
·       Interlacing the fingers between toes
·       Rotating the ankle in a circular motion


Yoga exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles in the lower leg and foot can alleviate discomfort caused by existing problems and prevent new ones in the future. 

© Copyright 2013 – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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